Note: For the final release, this system of channel packing will be upgraded to the new “Texture Sets” system, which will be much more flexible in regards to file naming and texture map/channel management. See the Height Maps subsection of the New PBR Texture Maps section Note: Alternatively, this texture file can store a height map instead of a normal map.The “*_mer” suffix is just a reminder that the Metallic, Emissive, and Roughness maps go into the RGB channels, respectively.Blue channel = Roughness map (grayscale).Green channel = Emissive map (grayscale).

Note: Texture sets that do use opacity maps can store them in this alpha channel.Not used for this specific texture set since the gold_ore block is intended to be fully opaque.

Java players, however, are free to download from just about anywhere. For Bedrock players, the marketplace is the best way to find new ones. When it comes to texture packs, in particular, there are hundreds and thousands of them out there. RELATED: Minecraft: Best Biomes For Survival Mods like texture packs and shader packs have ensured that players can be completely immersed in the game. Similarly, the game's visuals can be tweaked quite a bit for an illusion of greater realism. The sandbox environment lets players do whatever they want, from exploring to building to farming. Minecraft is all about customization and freedom of choice.